Respected Sir/Madam, This is Krishna Narayanan a beginner in the gcc community.I have been reading through a while about the cp-demangler non recursive project, getting familiar with the basic terminologies about demangler.I would like to work on it. Topics which I have covered till now include extern C,C++ filt and about function abi ::_cxa_demangle. For the non recursive part I am going through the memory management of C,stacks and heaps related to function calls, etc.Some basic theory related to stack overflow and tried using fsanitize (address sanitizer) in the basic program.Didnt get much clarity about the output of sanitizer but had a overview of it.I am also familiar with gdb to some certain extent.
What should be my next step,am I on the right track for understanding the concepts?It would be great if I could get some help about the upcoming topics I should refer and how should I implement in this project. Hoping to hear from you soon. Thanks and Regards, Krishna Narayanan.