On Tue, Jan 11, 2022 at 1:52 PM Mikel Mendizabal via Gcc
<gcc@gcc.gnu.org> wrote:
> Dear GCC developers,
> In the past year we started the offload of our software to GPUs. We decided 
> to go with OpenACC. The program we are trying to offload is Millepede2 (MP2), 
>  a tracker alignment software used to align the CMS experiment tracker at the 
> large hadron collider.
> We are using gcc as our main compiler. However, we found a major 
> inconvenience with OpenACC 2.6, the REDUCTION clause does not accept arrays. 
> Thus, it not possible for us to parallelise our largest loops due to array 
> dependencies. We managed to offload MP2 for small datasets, we worked around 
> the reduction issue. Nonetheless, if our alignment campaign is large the 
> workarounds are not useful anymore.
> I went thought the new versions of OpenACC and I found that v2.7 accepts 
> arrays for the REDUCTION clause. I was wondering if it is in your plans to 
> include a newer version of OpenACC for the next releases.

Can you produce a self-contained example with an array for the
REDUCTION clause that should be accepted with OpenACC v2.7?


> Sincerely,
> Mikel Mendizabal

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