On 11/24/2021 12:15 PM, Paul Floyd via Gcc wrote:

On 24/11/2021 20:05, Zdenek Sojka via Gcc wrote:

from time to time, I come upon a testcase that failed during the automated
runs, but passes during reduction; there are valgrind warnings present,
however. How do I distinguish what warnings are valid and which are false
positives? Is there any way gcc could prevent generating the false

What makes you think that any are false positives?

Memcheck generally has a low false positive rate (though I am little biased).

You need to read the source and decide based on that.
Agreed.  Work from the assumption it's a real GCC issue until proven otherwise.

I believe GCC has annotations to help valgrind that are turned on by a magic configuration option as well.

Finally, there is an issue with sparsesets that will trigger a warning from valgrind.  Those are the only ones I would consistently ignore from GCC.


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