Hello All, I am badly stuck at custom float encode and decode, I humbly request your assistance.
I am trying to incorporate in custom floats in RISCV-32 elf, I am encoding and assigning to image at line 2985 in https://github.com/riscv-collab/riscv-gcc/blob/5964b5cd72721186ea2195a7be8d40cfe6554023/gcc/real.c I am decoding in line 2989 from const long *buf and assigning values to lines 3031-3034 // custom logic... // I removed case statements r->cl = rvc_normal; r->sign = sign; SET_REAL_EXP (r, exp); // I am assigning unbiased exp r->sig[SIGSZ-1] = image | SIG_MSB; In my view, encode_ieee_single function send IEEE-754 format float value to FPU part of RISCV-32 and decode_ieee_single function decode IEEE-754 float format from FPU part of RISCV-32 But I am getting some different values. In order to debug the the functions/compiler I assigned some random value to decode function like: r->cl = rvc_normal; r->sign = 1; SET_REAL_EXP (r, 12); r->sig[SIGSZ-1] = 0xDADB62D5; And built the compiler. In my view, regardless of custom float values. I should always get real equivalent above assigned value. But I am not getting this value either; i seems to me there are other dependency functions which calculate real value decoded from above function? I look forward to hearing from you soon. Many Thanks, -Amith ReplyForward <https://drive.google.com/u/0/settings/storage?hl=en&utm_medium=web&utm_source=gmail&utm_campaign=storage_meter&utm_content=storage_normal> <https://www.google.com/intl/en/policies/terms/> <https://www.google.com/intl/en/policies/privacy/> <https://www.google.com/gmail/about/policy/>