
On Fri, Sep 17 2021, Sarthak Bhatnagar via Gcc wrote:
> Hello Mentors
> I am currently in my 3rd year of engineering . I have developed skills in
> c++ ,data structures and algorithms and web development too.I have been
> working on several projects.Now I am interested in contributing and need
> guidance. Please guide me so that I can contribute to GSOC 2022.

We are delighted you found contributing to GCC interesting.  At this
time I can only point you to https://gcc.gnu.org/wiki/SummerOfCode and
specifically to https://gcc.gnu.org/wiki/SummerOfCode#Before_you_apply
which explains some of the steps you can take to familiarize yourself
with our code base.

Apart from what is described there, any further advice would depend on
what part of GCC you would like to contribute to.   Most of the projects
listed at the top of the page linked above will still be relevant in

Good luck,


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