On 9/10/21 5:51 PM, Jeff Law wrote:

On 9/9/2021 4:15 AM, Richard Biener wrote:

b) Even though we can seemingly fold everything DOM/threader does, in
order to replace it with a backward threader instance we'd have to merge
the cost/profitability code scattered throughout the forward threader,
as well as the EDGE_FSM* / EDGE_COPY* business.

c) DOM changes the IL as it goes.  Though we could conceivably divorce
do the threading after DOM is done.
Yeah, it does not actually process/simplify the blocks copied by threading. In fact I think it only registers jump threading opportunities during the DOM walk and commits them only later.  But it of course uses its avail / copies
stack to find them - that part you cannot easily divorce.
Well, divorcing from using the context sensitive avail/copies is part of what Aldy & Andrew have been working on.  All indications I've seen are they're on track to be able to do that.

And yes, it only registers the threads and waits until after DOM is done to transform the CFG.  That in and of itself introduces all kinds of complexity.  If we can get to the point where we don't need the context sensitive avail/copies, then we've got a real shot at untangling DOM and threading which would be a huge maintainability win in my mind.

DOM is also yet another value-numbering framework - one could think
of stripping it down from that side, keeping the threading bits only
(but you'd still have the avail / copies bits).
Yes.  I think you and I touched on this a while back.    At a high level I'd prefer to have FRE rather than DOM doing the bulk of the redundant expression elimination.  The big blocker there was the tight integration of DOM and threading.  But if Aldy can untangle that we can then evaluate replacing DOM with FRE.

Once ranger does floats, I can't think of anything the forward threader could get that the backward threader couldn't.

That said, it has one nice property it can leverage due to its incredibly
simple memory redundancy handling, in that it usually performs way less
alias queries than FRE (even when you run the latter in non-iterative mode).
DOM as an infrastructure for optimization is probably reaching the end of its useful life.  FRE has a lot more going for it.

But the same way DOM can register jump threading opportunities FRE
could do as well.
I'd advise against that and instead look towards a model where no pass has integrated jump threading and the only jump threading module we have is the backwards threader.

Yes, please. We need to separate jump threading from all passes. One thing, and do it well.


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