Some time ago, someone added a git symbolic-ref for refs/heads/trunk 
pointing to refs/heads/master.

A side effect of this was to introduce a loophole in the checks run via 
commit hooks, some of which are configured to apply only to master and 
release branches and didn't apply if commits were pushed instead to trunk 
(this also meant that commits pushed to trunk didn't result in Bugzilla 
updates, and the emails to gcc-cvs didn't show the r12-NNNN short 
identifier for the commit).

In particular, the nightly DATESTAMP and ChangeLog updates have been 
broken for the past few nights because of a commit pushed to trunk with 
bad ChangeLog entries, which only got detected in the nightly cron job 
rather than at the time of the original push.

I've now changed the hooks to handle trunk the same as master (this mainly 
affects three of the hooks-bin scripts (commit_checker, 
commit_email_formatter, email-to-bugzilla-filtered), but I also updated 
refs/meta/config:project.config to ensure the rule blocking merge commits 
to master is properly applied to pushes to trunk as well).

Note that this doesn't fix the broken nightly updates; that will probably 
require some special-case handling of the broken commit message in the 
scripts; it just stops this particular cause of breakage from occurring in 

Joseph S. Myers

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