I try to write a one-liner inline function to create a double form
a 64-bit integer, not converting it to a double but the integer
containing the bit pattern for the double (type spoofing).

The compiler is arm-eabi-gcc 8.2.0.
The target is a Cortex-A9, with NEON.

According to the info page the assembler constraint "w" denotes an FPU
double register, d0 - d31.

The code is the following:

double spoof( uint64_t x )
double r;

   asm volatile
     " vmov.64 %[d],%Q[i],%R[i] \n"
     : [d] "=w" (r)
     : [i] "q" (x)
   return r;

The command line:

arm-eabi-gcc -O0 -c -mcpu=cortex-a9 -mfloat-abi=hard -mfpu=neon-vfpv4 \

It compiles and the generated object code is this:

00000000 <spoof>:
   0:   e52db004        push    {fp}            ; (str fp, [sp, #-4]!)
   4:   e28db000        add     fp, sp, #0
   8:   e24dd014        sub     sp, sp, #20
   c:   e14b01f4        strd    r0, [fp, #-20]  ; 0xffffffec
  10:   e14b21d4        ldrd    r2, [fp, #-20]  ; 0xffffffec
  14:   ec432b30        vmov    d16, r2, r3
  18:   ed4b0b03        vstr    d16, [fp, #-12]
  1c:   e14b20dc        ldrd    r2, [fp, #-12]
  20:   ec432b30        vmov    d16, r2, r3
  24:   eeb00b60        vmov.f64        d0, d16
  28:   e28bd000        add     sp, fp, #0
  2c:   e49db004        pop     {fp}            ; (ldr fp, [sp], #4)
  30:   e12fff1e        bx      lr

which is not really efficient, but works.

However, if I specify -O1, -O2 or -Os then the compilation fails
because assembler complains. This is the assembly the compiler
generated, (comments and irrelevant stuff removed):

   vmov.64 s0,r0,r1
   bx lr

where the problem is that 's0' is a single-precision float register and
it should be 'd0' instead.

Either I'm seriously missing something, in which case I would be most
obliged if someone sent me to the right direction; or it is a compiler
or documentation bug.



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