On June 30, 2021 4:07:00 PM GMT+02:00, Erick Ochoa via Gcc <gcc@gcc.gnu.org> 
>I am still working on understanding the LTO framework and how the
>gimple representation works across multiple partitions. I found myself
>printing all global variables and printing their DECL_UID. I noticed
>that for some variables, their DECL_UIDs were different across
>different partitions. That is, a single global variable has different
>DECL_UIDs in different partitions. Is this the correct behaviour? 


>understanding of DECL_UID is that for every declaration there is a
>unique identifier, but is this not the case during LTO?

It's also true for WPA and LTrans a variables UID is just not the same in all 
of them because there's no way to ensure that. 

>I am building a transformation on top of releases/gcc-11, maybe newer
>commits address this, but I haven't seen a discussion in this mailing
>list. Perhaps in patches, but I don't follow that mailing list too
>Thanks, any help is appreciated!

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