On 6/29/21 6:57 PM, Eli Zaretskii wrote:
5. There's some strange bug with symbols inside parentheses.  For

   In GNU C and C++, you can use function attributes to specify certain
   function properties that may help the compiler optimize calls or check
   code more carefully for correctness.  For example, you can use
   attributes to specify that a function never returns ( ‘noreturn’ ),
   returns a value depending only on the values of its arguments ( ‘const’
   ), or has ‘printf’ -style arguments ( ‘format’ ).

See the extra blanks inside parens?  The old format was nicer:

   In GNU C and C++, you can use function attributes to specify certain
   function properties that may help the compiler optimize calls or check
   code more carefully for correctness.  For example, you can use
   attributes to specify that a function never returns ('noreturn'),
   returns a value depending only on the values of its arguments ('const'),
   or has 'printf'-style arguments ('format').

This issues is resolved now. Good point!


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