> Sent: Thursday, June 10, 2021 at 3:49 AM
> From: "Aaron Gyes via Gcc" <gcc@gcc.gnu.org>
> To: "GCC Administrator via Gcc" <gcc@gcc.gnu.org>
> Subject: Re: Mission Statement
> On Jun 9, 2021, at 8:30 AM, Christopher Dimech <dim...@gmx.com> wrote:
> > 
> > Besides inspiring a sceptic attitude, Cicero made the language of
> > the civilized world.
> Yes
> > This has nothing to do with any complaints
> > of mistreatment, but mostly about belief systems that have taken
> > over many people's lives.  That's what is most embarrassing.
> Huh
> > After all, it was yourself who criticised my attitude towards Liu
> > Hao, who had stated on 4/10/2021 the greatness of chairman mao
> > and how he eradicated discrimination from chinese society.  Once
> > you take on such zeal, you will get so badly identified with it,
> > that you yourself will became a social problem.
> > 
> > The chinese communist party killed thousands of people every year
> > by firing squads, lethal injection and mobile death vans.  Not to
> > mention the horrifying child-killing policy during china's
> > draconian one-child system.  It has recently also became infamous
> > for forced uighur sterilisation.  How can I ever agree with
> > someone who thinks the suppression of others is good!
> Are you asserting I was wrong in my observations that day? Do you
> think I disagree with anything in the second quoted paragraph?
> Would it matter? Oh, why do I let myself get sucked in?

Absolutely.  You were wrong that day in attributing my comments
as personal criticisms based on country of origin.  Rather, it
was Liu Hao who started with group-based rhetoric that is the
mainstream position of the Chinese Communist Party.  One would be 
a fool to disagree with the second paragraph.  It was an argument
of how Liu Hao was wrong.
> What even is that kind of argument occurring post “After all,”?

It was a rejection of how things could be categorised as awkward. 
And an opportunity to set things right after the great controversies
we got embroiled into then. 
> I can’t figure out if this is just a non-sequitur, and/or a straw
> man, or part of a gish gallop? Something just pathological?
> Perhaps I should go get checked and make sure I didn’t have a stroke
> since it seems like I must be having trouble processing my
> environment: it seems like you’ve been behaving this way on the
> mailing list for months and apparently nobody in charge has asked
> you to do better or stop and everyone here is pretty smart and
> professional.

On the contrary, I have received a number of personal
correspondence questioning why I continue expressing my point of
view, or support people such as Richard Stallman and
others (within the Free Software Foundation; and among the open
source chiefs), from other prominent individuals leading software
projects around the world.

> Aaron

Such discussions have only come from cultures which are steeped
in morality.  As to something has to be good, and something has to
be bad.  In this state of making something right, and making
something wrong, there is no way for inclusiveness.

Every master has his own way.  You don't like my way as has been
evident by your implications that I am somehow diseased.  There
are whole academic dissertations on this inappropriate,
segregation-minded black-white dualism.  Such deliberate
segregation is something that has to be tackled.

I am very clear on what I am doing.  What somebody says, good or
bad things, it does not matter.  The best things that have ever
been done on this planet have always had bad press.  Today the
cycle has changed, but it will come back.  Soon the appreciation
will come.  Although my involvement is not about appreciation or
fear of criticism, I will not fall short of myself.  What I can
do must happen.

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