On 24/05/2021 19:29, Mark Wielaard wrote:
> Hi Philip,
> On Mon, May 24, 2021 at 02:24:13PM +0100, Philip Herron wrote:
>> As some of you might know, I have been working on GCC Rust over on
>> GitHub https://github.com/Rust-GCC/gccrs. As the project is moving
>> forward and enforcing GCC copyright assignments for contributors, I
>> would like to create a branch on the GCC git repo to show the intention
>> to be upstream with GCC someday.
>> [...] 
>> The commit message here is poorly formatted. To move forward, should I
>> rebase the tree to fix this commit and force push to rewrite the
>> history? Or is there a way to relax the rule for a new branch? Any
>> advice would be welcome.
> As Joseph said you could create a developement branch for hacking on
> the GCC Rust Frontend and relax the commit push rules for that one:
> https://gcc.gnu.org/git.html#devbranches
> Is the intention to eventually make this branch the main development
> branch? Or will it just be a mirror of the main github repo/branch?
> I assume it will be some months (years?) before this frontend will be
> merge into the main gcc git repo. I wonder if it makes sense to create
> a separate repo for the gcc rust frontend so you can use your own
> rules for development. Currently you are using some github services,
> like bors, that we might want to replicate. That might require some
> special git branches for the automation. We can then experiment with
> having a gccrs.git repo on gcc.gnu.org to see if such services can be
> replicated on our own server. And the gcc rust community might show
> other gcc developers whether and how that helps development.
> It would also be great if we could somehow have "normal" gcc bugzilla
> tickets instead of these github issue and pr numbers (which won't make
> sense anymore once the frontend is merged).
>> Separately, some contributors have expressed interest in maintaining the
>> GCC style communications of using a mailing list and irc. Is it
>> reasonable for this project to get a r...@gcc.gnu.org?
> Personally I would love to have a normal mailinglist, but I am
> personally somewhat (unrationally?) allergic to github and
> web-chat-systems. If we are trying to make this new frontend a bit
> more accessible to traditional gcc hackers, could we also have a
> normal irc channel (there is #gcc on irc.oftc.net). It would be great
> to also have a #gccrust channel on oftc.
> Cheers,
> Mark
Hi Mark,

I think a branch on GCC's git repo will be a mirror of the github, but I
think its really important for the project to respect GCC traditions. By
that I mean that we respect patches sent to gcc-patches such that they
are treated with the same respect as PR's on Github.

If for instance a Mailing list on gcc.gnu.org became more active than
github i think at that point i would have to reconsider this, and weigh
up switching the main development over to gcc.gnu.org.

As for the git hooks, is it possible that I amend the hooks within the
gccrs repo .git/hooks folder? Or is this something i need to change in
the GCC repo? Sorry i should really read up more on git hooks in general.



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