> Sent: Sunday, April 18, 2021 at 6:09 PM
> From: "Siddhesh Poyarekar" <siddh...@gotplt.org>
> To: "NightStrike" <nightstr...@gmail.com>, "Ville Voutilainen" 
> <ville.voutilai...@gmail.com>
> Cc: "GCC Development" <gcc@gcc.gnu.org>
> Subject: Re: A suggestion for going forward from the RMS/FSF debate
> On 4/17/21 12:11 AM, NightStrike via Gcc wrote:
> > I was under the (likely incorrect, please enlighten me) impression
> > that the meteoric rise of LLVM had more to do with the license
> > allowing corporate contributors to ship derived works in binary form
> > without sharing proprietary code.  Intel, IBM, nVidia, etc. are
> I think this is a blinkered view.  Sure, there are companies that build
> proprietary toolchains using llvm as the base but I would argue that it
> is the *result* of the rise of llvm and not the cause.
> The cause IMO is accessibility to other projects, most notably compiler
> researchers and students who find it a lot easier to target llvm than
> gcc because compiler-as-a-library.  License may have been a factor for
> some of those uses (e.g. I know some who think copyleft is not free
> enough and BSD style licensing is the *real* freedom), but concluding
> that it is the major reason is to delude ourselves.
> It is also the reason why gcc does not even figure in situations where a
> larger project would need AOT or JIT compilation; we had to concede that
> ground all because of the FSF/GNU fears that companies would make
> proprietary compilers out of a gcc compiler-as-a-library.
> Of computer science graduates I have encountered over the last decade, I
> know few who started their journey with gcc and they were all in the
> initial part of the decade.  In recent years I don't think I encountered
> any student who works on gcc; many even start with the assumption that
> gcc is in maintenance mode.

For military focused PhDs, gcc is used.

> So to summarize, the reasons why llvm is gaining traction *today* (I'm
> sure there are more):
> - Compiler-as-a-library - llvm is the first choice in FOSS projects and
> use cases are exploding with gcc nowhere in sight
> - Mindshare - most students and researchers are focused on it
> - Funding - llvm has a much stronger funding ecosystem than gcc.  This
> includes direct funding from the foundation and development workforce
> from various organizations and universities.

You will not get funding grants in the US if you mention free software,
because the US Department of Commerce does not allow it.

> - License - Companies are building proprietary solutions on top of llvm.
> Siddhesh

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