On 4/15/21 8:00 AM, Thomas Koenig via Gcc wrote:
My 0.02 Euro-Cent:
There is a minor problem with contributors being overly harsh/
borderline abusive on the mailing list. In my > 15 years with
the project, I have only had that problem with one single
person, and I have resolved that by never again touching the
system that particular person is responsible for, also not
for testing.
The _real_ problem is in bugzilla, mostly with abusive users
complaining about the time it sometimes takes to fix bugs
("Why didn't you fix this? Are you stupid or what? That bug
has been open for _weeks_!") or who will not understand that
their program has an error, and insist on the compiler sanctioning
their particular non-standard usage.
As much as I hate to say it, this is a problem in the wider communities
around C and C++, too. My teacher will often insist that "GCC and Clang
make convenient assumptions at O2 and higher" without comprehending that
the assumptions are "your code conforms to what the C/C++ standard says"
and that this is the entire reason we have a standard, despite all my
efforts at explaining things to him.
On bugzilla, there is also a rather minor problem with contributors
being overly harsh/borderline abusive, but that is also quite
If we talk about gcc becoming a more welcoming place, bugzilla
is the place to start.