Ok i might have to retract on some of those i unnevessaily got personal. F
course i didnt intend to put not your words into your mouth.

As on your politics for sure it matters though as snowflakes got so
diverged off into murky partition of world where they no longer understand
basic wording and respect most basic values that used to be bipartisan so
to say. I hope this one reached the target and rightly so. Read parasitic
mind if you wanna get less stupid than me on leftism/rightism spectrum.
On this one: sorry but not sorry.


śr., 14.04.2021, 16:17 użytkownik Jonathan Wakely <jwakely....@gmail.com>

> On Wed, 14 Apr 2021 at 15:10, pawel k. wrote:
> >
> > Thank You Jonathan for your very valuable opinions. I was sure the more
> far lefty you are the less you will understand me, if my assumptions about
> your worldviews are correct. If not apologies. Ill review your previous
> stance on rms mess and explain.
> I'm not sure what my politics have to do with this.
> > Ill reply with a quote from one of my tee shirts:
> >
> > "Your story has truly touched my heart. Never before have i met a person
> with as many problems as you. Now [edited] go away and stop bothering me."
> >
> > Aka i value your opinion but instead of critique you say "youre stupid"
> No, I said your email made weak arguments. I did not make any
> statement about you personally, only your email.
> > awaiting for me to say "no, you are stupid" which i wont do as im not as
> low clown as kindly you. Enough toying with unlogical clown of you as you
> were kind to call me.
> I described the past few weeks as "this whole clownshow". That is also
> not a personal statement about you.
> Get offended if you want, but don't put words in my mouth.

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