Hi Krishna,

On 03.04.21 13:52, Krishna Kariya wrote:
I am Krishna, a final-year undergraduate student from India. I am
interested in the project “Fortran – run-time argument checking” for
GSoC 2021. Please share some resources about the project. Please point
to some issues or programming tasks that I can try out to understand
the project better.

In older Fortran program, no modules were used and, hence, no argument
checking was possible. Think of:

subroutine caller()
  external callee
  integer :: A(5), b(4)
  call callee(A, B, 5.0, "Hello")

Here, the compiler only knows that 'callee' is a subroutine but has no
idea about the actual arguments. Alternatively, in semi-modern code, it
could use:

subroutine caller()
  integer :: A(5), b(4)
    subroutine callee(w,x,y,z)
      integer :: w(*), x(*)
      real :: y
      character(*) :: z
  end interface
  call callee(A, B, 5.0, "Hello")

The idea is that the caller now fills global variables:
  __gfortran_called_proc = callee  ! function pointer
  __gfortran_called_interface = ... pointer to a struct/derived type
and afterwards, it would set both to null.

The latter contains then:
- a version number (to be able to add more data later on)
- file name, function name and line number of the caller
- information about the arguments:
- 4 arguments
- first: integer array of size 4
- ...

And in
  subroutine callee(....)
it would check:
  if (__gfortran_called_proc == callee)
and then fill a similar struct with similar data
(version number, filename, proc name, line number, arguments)
and then call the library function
which then checks whether the arguments match.

Internal procedures and module procedures can be excluded as
those can not be access from the outside.

Minimal check would be:
- number of arguments
- data type
- array + array size
- caller/callee is a function – and expected return values (type, array)
but that can be extended especially in the context of an interface block
(with a zoo of attributes, additional array types etc.) and with intent
handling (intent(out) in caller but constant or intent(in) as argument,
intent(out) argument to intent(in) etc.)


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