Dear GCC development team,

We've been trying to build reproducibly the minimal NixOS image, and
gcc was one of the last issues we had.
We found that disabling profiled bootstrap compilation of GCC allowed
us to get a reproducible build of gcc.
Our efforts can be followed here:

But I measured disabling this optimization to cost around 7-12%
depending on the build.
Because of this performance regression, we're trying to find a middle
ground. Ideally we'd like to keep the performance of gcc as untouched
as possible (even if that costs us on compilation time of gcc itself).

Compiling gcc twice on the same machine gets us the same output, but
compiling on a different architecture gets us a different result.
Reading the documentation, it would seem that autoprofiledback
bootstrap would use machine metrics and injects them in the build (and
we don't use autoprofiledback), But I would not expect the stagetrain
of profiledbootstrap to do that.
I tried disabling concurrency of the stagetrain without luck.

It feels like I'm missing something.
Would anyone have any idea what could inject the host's behavior here?

Thank you for your help!


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