
I am the maintainer for the GCC Rust project and feel free to ask questions
and join our zulip server I can help mentor you on some work if you want to
gain experience.

You will need to get proficient with C++ so I think spending time getting
used to writing C++ would be a great thing to do in the meantime as well.



On Wed, 10 Feb 2021 at 12:25, Martin Jambor <mjam...@suse.cz> wrote:

> Hi,
> On Wed, Feb 10 2021, oilab kowaski via Gcc wrote:
> > Hi! I am very interested in parsers and compilers. I would be very happy
> to
> > participating in the development of GNU Rust compiler by applying to the
> > Google Summer of Code. But I am 17 years old and I do not satisfy the
> > requirements of the GSoC. What would you suggest me to do?
> I am afraid that means that there is no way for you to be paid this
> year, at least not by Google.
> That does not mean you cannot pursue your interest in parsers and
> compilers with us though.  Look at the gcc-rust repo (currently on
> github), contact the authors and see if you can contribute to the effort
> informally.  I am sure they will appreciate any help.
> I am also sure that there will be work to be done on the Rust-gcc front
> end for years to come, so if you become a contributor this year, you
> will be in a prime position to become our GSoC student next year.
> I understand that the financial renumeration is an important incentive
> to participate in GSoC but I am afraid we cannot offer any more help,
> Google will not change their rules for us.
> Martin

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