Hi Thomas,

On 07.12.20 09:27, Tobias Burnus wrote:
However, what puzzles me is
https://gcc.gnu.org/pipermail/gcc-cvs/2020-December/338684.html – this
is your commit. But while in the commit, I see "Koenig" for both
'Author' and 'Commit', the 'From:' of that email shows (at least in
Pipermail) instead of 'oe' the Hindi letters 'tha' and 'Gh: '*थघ*'.

Seemingly, the hook (→ https://github.com/AdaCore/git-hooks) takes
the full name belonging to the user at gcc.gnu.org. And when
Richard checked it for me, for your name it returns (for his locale):
 getent passwd tkoenig:

 'Thomas Kथà¤'.
or passed through 'od':
 …:   T   h   o   m   a   s       K 340 244 245 340 244 230   n   i   g   :…

If I didn't make a mistake, those numbers convert to hex:
  E0 A3 A5 E0 A3 98
which I looks like garbage to me. At least it does not seem
to make sense in neither UTF-8, UTF-16, UTF-32 and I also
do not see any relation with the byte-order character.

I think there are two issues:

(a) Your name is wrong (should be 'ö' or safer 'oe')
    → I think you need to contact overseers via IRC or email
(b) Non-ASCII should probably be accepted in the flow; it looks
    as if the bugzilla email script mishandles/rejects this email
    even though it contains valid Hindi letters.

Currently, the name comes from <git-hooks>/hooks/updates/emails.py:
            self.email_from = '%s <%s@%s>' % (get_user_full_name(),
(those functions come from the 'utils' module.)
        e_msg['From'] = sanitized_email_address(self.email_info.email_from)
(and this does a RFC2047 encoding)


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