On Mon, 23 Nov 2020, Martin Sebor via Gcc wrote:

> I'd expect the best way to ensure the two copies of the contributed
> text are in sync is to copy it automatically.  If the only point of
> asking the author to do it by hand each time they change the file
> is to "Verify that they have permission to grant a GFDL license"
> than that step could be done once, the result recorded somewhere
> (e.g., in the MAINTAINERS file), and automated when making changes
> by having the script look it up.

That permission is a function of the particular change being made (if it 
involves text previously in GPL-only parts of GCC being copied into the 
GFDL manual, that needs a docstring relicensing review), not just of the 
person making the change.

Joseph S. Myers

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