Hello Have a nice day ! This is JoJo from WMResearch. We recently published a new market research report: < Global Embedded Real-Time Operating Systems for the IoT Market Research Report 2015-2020>and kindly let us know if you are interested in it. If you are interested in getting more details or Sample report, please feel free to contact Email: j...@winmarketresearch.com. This report will walk you through the Embedded Real-Time Operating Systems for the IoT market from the following aspects in:Consumption, Sales, Revenue, Price, Cost, Gross Margin, Market size, Market share, Growth Rate, Trends, etc. In addition, it provides an analysis of the impact of COVID-19 on the market. It will help you understand, formulate and implement strategic decisions, by offering critical data, insights and analysis. l The following manufacturers are covered in this report: l AMD l Amperex Technology Ltd. (ATL) l Atari l Atmel Corporation l Blackberry Ltd l Emerson Network Power l ENEA l Express Logic, Inc. l Google l Huawei l IBM l IXYS Corporation l Johnson Controls Inc. l Johnson Matthey l LG Chem l Linux l Microchip Technology l Microsoft l NEC l Nuvoton l NXP Semiconductors l OAR corporation l OpenWSN l Panasonic Corp. l Samsung l Segger Microcontroller Systems l Sharp l SHHIC l Silicon Labs l Spansion l ............................... (Other manufacturers Information……) Main chapters showed: 2 Embedded Real-Time Operating Systems for the IoT Market Overview by Type 2.1 Global Embedded Real-Time Operating Systems for the IoT Market Size by Type: 2015 VS 2020 VS 2026 2.2 Global Embedded Real-Time Operating Systems for the IoT Historic Market Size by Type (2015-2020) 2.3 Global Embedded Real-Time Operating Systems for the IoT Forecasted Market Size by Type (2021-2026) 2.4 Hardware 2.5 Software 3 Embedded Real-Time Operating Systems for the IoT Market Overview by Application 3.1 Global Embedded Real-Time Operating Systems for the IoT Market Size by Application: 2015 VS 2020 VS 2026 3.2 Global Embedded Real-Time Operating Systems for the IoT Historic Market Size by Application (2015-2020) 3.3 Global Embedded Real-Time Operating Systems for the IoT Forecasted Market Size by Application (2021-2026) 3.4 Industrial Equipment 3.5 Automotive 3.6 Healthcare 3.7 Telecommunications 3.8 Government 3.9 Others If you have any special requirements, please let us know and we will offer you the report as you want. If this report is not relevant to you, I apologize for troubling you. If you can direct me to the correct contact within your company, I would be most appreciated. Thank you for reading. ------------------ Best Regards, JoJo | Sales Manager Win marketresearch Company T: +86-15218821578(7*24) Email: j...@winmarketresearch.com GLOBAL MARKET RESEARCH REPORTS FOR YOU