On 9/25/20 8:02 AM, Thomas Koenig via Fortran wrote:

for review of its patches, gfortran relies on a group of people
who can approve patches.  Unfortuntately, many of them are not
active. Others, who have the capability and who have acted as
de facto approvers (without anybody minding) are missing.

I think you want to link to
which is the official list. — At least additionally.

I note the the HTML page states "contributions will be reviewed"
and not "approved" – and (nearly) any review comment is welcome,
be it from an experienced maintainer or just by someone who passes
by. Still, it is a bit misleading if this list includes
someone who is not an official reviewer.

New reviewers get added by approval of the steering committee
(https://gcc.gnu.org/steering.html, typically by some existing
maintainer/reviewer proposing a new one – by sending a private
email to one of the SC members.)

Regarding Jakub: while he is a global reviewer and very active,
for Fortran, he is mostly reviewing OpenMP and – to a lesser extent –
OpenACC patches and only a very few other patches. Thus, listing
him under 'contributions will be reviewed' is a bit misleading.



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