Hi Richard

Thanks a lot for your advises and detailed comments.

We will discuss which instructions need to be accurately classified, 
and estimate the workload.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Richard Sandiford <richard.sandif...@arm.com>
> Sent: Tuesday, September 8, 2020 4:21 AM
> To: Qian, Jianhua/钱 建华 <qia...@cn.fujitsu.com>
> Cc: gcc@gcc.gnu.org
> Subject: Re: A problem with one instruction multiple latencies and pipelines
> "Qian, Jianhua" <qia...@cn.fujitsu.com> writes:
> > Hi
> >
> > I'm adding a new machine model. I have a problem when writing the
> "define_insn_reservation" for instruction scheduling.
> > How to write the "define_insn_reservation" for one instruction that there 
> > are
> different latencies and pipelines according to parameter.
> >
> > For example, the ADD (shifted register) instruction in a64fx
> >
> > Instruction            Option                             Latency
> Pipeline
> > ADD (shifted register)  <amount> = 0                     1          EX*
> | EAG*
> >                       <amount> = [1-4] && <shift>=LSL  1+1
> (EXA + EXA) | (EXB + EXB)
> >                                                          2+1       (EXA
> + EXA) | (EXB + EXB)
> >
> > In aarch64.md ADD (shifted register) instruction is defined as following.
> >  (define_insn "*add_<shift>_<mode>"
> >   [(set (match_operand:GPI 0 "register_operand" "=r")
> >         (plus:GPI (ASHIFT:GPI (match_operand:GPI 1 "register_operand"
> "r")
> >                               (match_operand:QI 2
> "aarch64_shift_imm_<mode>" "n"))
> >                   (match_operand:GPI 3 "register_operand" "r")))]
> >   ""
> >   "add\\t%<w>0, %<w>3, %<w>1, <shift> %2"
> >   [(set_attr "type" "alu_shift_imm")]
> > )
> >
> > It could not be distinguished by the type "alu_shift_imm" when writing
> "define_insn_reservation" for ADD (shifted register).
> > What should I do?
> This is just personal opinion, but in general (from the point of view of a 
> new port,
> or a new subport like SVE), I think the best approach to handling the "type"
> attribute is to start with the coarsest classification that makes sense, then 
> split
> these relatively coarse types up whenever there's a specific need.
> When taking that approach, it's OK (and perhaps even a good sign) for an
> existing type to sometimes be too coarse for a new CPU.
> So thanks for asking about this, and please don't feel constrained by the
> existing "type" classification.  IMO we should split existing types wherever
> that makes sense for new CPUs.
> In a situation like this, I guess it would make sense to treat alu_shift_imm 
> as a
> conservative general classification and add
> alu_shift_imm1to4 (say) as a new type.
> I'd recommend a two-stage approach, with each stage as a separate patch for
> ease of review:
> (1) Add the new type to the definition of the "type" attribute and run:
>       sed -i s/alu_shift_imm/alu_shift_imm1to4,alu_shift_imm/g
>     on all the config/arm and config/aarch64 tuning descriptions.
>     This is a purely mechanical replacement and could be tested in
>     the normal way (i.e. there would be no need to do special testing
>     to make sure that existing descriptions are unaffected: the change
>     is mechanical enough not to need that).
> (2) Make the define_insns use the new type where appropriate.
>     Like Richard says, this would be handled by splitting the single
>     define_insn alternative above into two separate alternatives.
>     It's also possible to something like:
>       (set (attr "type")
>            (if_then_else (match_operand ...)
>                          (const_string "...")
>                          (const_string "...")))
>     which localises the change to the attribute definition.
>     If we end up needing that construct several times, it would also
>     be possible to add a new attribute, e.g.:
>       (define_attr "shift_imm_type" "none,alu_shift_op2")
>     and then change the default value of the type attribute from:
>       (const_string "untyped")
>     to:
>       (cond [(eq_attr "shift_imm_type" "alu_shift_op2")
>              (if_then_else (match_operand 2 ...)
>                            (const_string "...")
>                            (const_string "..."))]
>             (const_string "untyped"))
>     define_insns like the above could then use:
>       (set_attr "shift_imm_type" "alu_shift_op2")
>     instead of setting "type" directly.  That's definitely more
>     complicated, but it can help to reduce cut-&-paste.
> Thanks,
> Richard

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