
I am trying to find out all pointers which alias a pointer and place them in a set.

I am using `ptr_derefs_may_alias_p` to find out if two pointers may point to the same memory location. I think this yields conservative results (i.e., when it cannot be proven that to pointers may alias, it will give the result "true"). This is what I need.

To collect all pointers which alias pointer "p", this means is that I have to collect all pointer variables and all pointer expressions in the program and then call `ptr_derefs_may_alias_p` O(n) times to find the set of pointers which alias pointer "p". If I have to do this for all pointers in the program, that would mean O(n^2).

This also implies that in order for my sets to be correct I need to collect all pointer variables and all pointer expressions. I think that a better idea would be to have a list of all bitmap solutions and for every variable with a bitmap if position j is set, assigned to alias set j. In pseudocode:

compute_alias_sets(bitmap set)
  // create array of sets of same length as varmap
  // call it alias_map
  for (i = 0; i < varmap.length (); i++)
    bitmap set = get_varinfo(i)->solution;
    EXECUTE_IF_SET_IN_BITMAP (set, 0, j, bi)
      varinfo_t v = get_varinfo (j);

I think this is a better implementation. I don't need to worry about collecting all pointer expressions and I think varmap also contains declarations. (I think IPA-PTA already has "collected" all pointer expressions/declarations in varmap and created constraint variables for them.) *Would there be an issue with exporting varmap and delaying its deletion to this pass I'm working on?* This pass is intended to be run immediately after IPA-PTA. After this, I think I would still need to do some refining on the "alias_map" since (I think) there are more constraint variables than gimple variables in the partition, but the information I look for should be able to be derived from here.


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