On August 24, 2020 10:00:44 AM GMT+02:00, Erick Ochoa 
<erick.oc...@theobroma-systems.com> wrote:
>On 24/08/2020 09:40, Richard Biener wrote:
>> On Mon, Aug 17, 2020 at 3:22 PM Erick Ochoa
>> <erick.oc...@theobroma-systems.com> wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> I'm looking to understand better the points-to analysis (IPA-PTA)
>>> the alias analysis (build_alias).
>>> How is the information produced by IPA-PTA consumed?
>>> Are alias sets in build_alias computed by the intersections of the
>>> points_to_set(s) (computed by IPA-PTA)?
>>> My intuition tells me that it could be relatively simple to move
>>> build_alias to be an SIMPLE_IPA_PASS performed just after IPA-PTA,
>but I
>>> do not have enough experience in GCC to tell if this is correct.
>>> could be some difficulties which I am not seeing? (Either move, or
>>> create a new IPA-ALIAS SIMPLE_IPA_PASS.) This pass would have the
>>> sensitivity as IPA-PTA { flow-insensitive, context-insensitive,
>>> field-sensitive } because the alias sets could be computed by the
>>> intersection of points-to-sets.
>> Both IPA-PTA and build_alias do the same, they build PTA constraint
>> sets, solve them and attach points-to info to SSA names.  Just
>> does this for the whole TU while build_alias does it for a function
>at a time.
>> So I guess I do not understand your question.
>Hi Richard,
>I'm just trying to imagine what a data-layout optimization would look 
>like if instead of using the type-escape analysis we used the points-to
>analysis to find out which variables/memory locations escape and what 
>that would mean for the transformation itself.

What I've said before is that for the object based approach you need precise 
following of pointers which covers escape analysis already. For non allocated 
objects you need to find possible address taken and accesses. 

I don't think the escape analysis included in IPA points-to analysis will help 
you in the end. The constraint solver does not do the precise analysis you need 
as well but the precise analysis will give you conservative escape results. 

>One of the things that I think would be needed are alias-sets. I
>that build_alias was building alias sets but I was mistaken. However, 
>computing the alias sets should not be too difficult.
>Also continuing imagining what a data-layout optimization would look 
>like in GCC, since IPA-PTA is a SIMPLE_IPA_PASS and if alias sets are 
>indeed needed, I was asking what would be the reception to a 
>SIMPLE_IPA_PASS that computes alias sets just after IPA-PTA. (As
>to a full ipa pass).

If you look we skip simple analysis if IPA analysis was done to not overwrite 
its results. So forcing it (even earlier) would make IPA analysis moot which 
would of course not be welcome. 


>> Richard.
>>> Thanks!

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