On August 13, 2020 2:57:04 AM GMT+02:00, Gary Oblock via Gcc <gcc@gcc.gnu.org> 
>If this was on the mainline and not in the middle of a
>nontrivial optimization effort I would have filed a bug report
>and not asked a silly question. 😉
>I'm at a total lost as to how I could have caused the pass
>numbers to be backward... but at least have I confirmed that's
>what seems to be happening. It's not doing any harm to
>anything except the sanity of anybody looking at the pass

The inline dump is last written to during transform phase which is only carried 
out when the body is further optimized (thus again function at a time, not 
IPA). Which is why you see interleaving of dump appends. 

>From: Segher Boessenkool <seg...@kernel.crashing.org>
>Sent: Wednesday, August 12, 2020 5:45 PM
>To: Gary Oblock <g...@amperecomputing.com>
>Cc: gcc@gcc.gnu.org <gcc@gcc.gnu.org>
>Subject: Re: Silly question about pass numbers
>[EXTERNAL EMAIL NOTICE: This email originated from an external sender.
>Please be mindful of safe email handling and proprietary information
>protection practices.]
>On Wed, Aug 12, 2020 at 08:26:34PM +0000, Gary Oblock wrote:
>> The files are from the same run:
>> -rw-rw-r-- 1 gary gary  3855 Aug 12 12:49 exe.ltrans0.ltrans.074i.cp
>> -rw-rw-r-- 1 gary gary 16747 Aug 12 12:49
>> By the time .cp was created inlining results in only main existing.
>> In the .structure-reorg file there are three functions.
>It does not matter what time the dump files were last opened (or
>or written to).
>> Not only am I seeing things in .cp (beyond a shadow of a doubt)
>> that were created in structure  reorganization, inlining has also
>> been done and its pass number of 79!
>> Note, this is not hurting me in any way other than violating my
>> beliefs about pass numbering.
>I cannot check on any of that because this is not in mainline GCC?
>It is a lot easier if you ask us about problems we may be able to
>reproduce ;-)  Like maybe something with only cp and inline?

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