-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 Hi all,
A reminder that today (31 July 2020) is the deadline for submitting talks, lightning talks, BoFs or developer tutorials for the GNU Tools track at LPC 2020. https://gcc.gnu.org/wiki/linuxplumbers2020 The program committee will be sorting through all the proposals from Monday to set up the schedule. Best wishes, Jeremy - -- Cell: +44 (7970) 676050 SkypeID: jeremybennett Twitter: @jeremypbennett Email: jeremy.benn...@embecosm.com Web: www.embecosm.com PGP key: 1024D/BEF58172FB4754E1 2009-03-20 -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- iF0EARECAB0WIQRASGDWqmhRZUfAaPW+9YFy+0dU4QUCXyQUrwAKCRC+9YFy+0dU 4eb6AKCA+S7FRrmjU0boBHdhdwNHvoKK6ACfc2mucVHxnuqbWKBTwfPSDDr4c1k= =t4TA -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----