On Thu, Jul 02, 2020 at 06:58:49PM -0400, y2s1982 . via Gcc wrote:
> This is giving me more clarity on what I have to do. At the moment, I am
> storing the
> information in the handle.
> I do have one problem: in (
> https://www.openmp.org/spec-html/5.0/openmpsu214.html#x270-18090005.5.2)
> it states that the call may verify the version compatibility using the
> context.
> How should I handle this?

It is up to the implementation to decide what can it handle and what it
can't, the OMPD will be evolving, new callbacks will be added, old ones
deprecated etc.
As initially there will be just a single version supported (the 5.0 one),
until 5.1 is implemented we should just reject any incompatible versions,
and only when we implement 5.1 decide if we can accept 5.0 requests.


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