On Wed, May 20, 2020 at 11:19:49AM +0200, Thomas Koenig wrote:
> Hm, one question: I find the r11-1234 type commit to be much more
> readable, in ChangeLog files and everywhere else.
> Would it be possible to have that format instead of
> "cherry picked from commit $HEX_SOUP" ?

I think if you git cherry-pick -x r11-1234-g123bcdef1234
then it will show up in the commit message rather than just
123bcdef1234.  That command will not accept just r11-1234,
as that is not a valid git commit-ish, so you'd need to do
git cherry-pick -x `git gcc-undescr r11-1234`
and then it would show just hash, or
git cherry-pick -x `git gcc-descr --full $(git gcc-undescr r11-1234)`
and then I think it should show up as that r11-1234-g............


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