On Wed, 13 May 2020, Martin Liška wrote:

> I'm sending the gcc-changelog relates scripts which should be added to contrib
> folder. The patch contains:
> - git_check_commit.py - checking script that verifies git message format

We need a documentation patch to contribute.html or gitwrite.html that 
describes the exact commit message format being used.

> - git_update_version.py - a replacement of
> maintainer-scripts/update_version_git which
> bumps DATESTAMP and generates ChangeLog entries (for now into ChangeLog.test
> files)

Where does this check things out?  (The existing ~gccadmin/gcc-checkout 
isn't suitable for that, it needs to stay on master to have the correct 
version of maintainer-scripts rather than being switched to other 
branches, though I suppose a second long-lived checkout that gets updated 
automatically could be used.  If you check things out somewhere else 
temporarily, it's important to be sure the checkout gets deleted 
afterwards rather than having multiple checkouts accumulating.  That's 
especially the case if you use a checkout in /tmp as a single GCC 
repository clone / checkout uses a significant proportion of the free 
space on the root filesystem; /sourceware/snapshot-tmp/gcc has more free 
space for large temporary directories.)

> The second part is git hook that will reject all commits for release and
> master branches.
> that violate ChangeLog format. Right now, strict mode is disabled in the
> hooks.

Note that the present state of having GCC-specific patches to the git 
hooks is supposed to be a temporary one; we want to move to all relevant 
GCC-specific configuration being in refs/meta/config rather than custom 
code, so GCC and sourceware can share a single instance of the hooks which 
in turn can use the same code as in the upstream AdaCore repository, so 
that future updates of the hooks from upstream are easier.  See the issues 
I filed at https://github.com/AdaCore/git-hooks/issues for the existing 
custom GCC changes and the pull request 
https://github.com/AdaCore/git-hooks/pull/12 to bring in implementations 
of many of those features (not sure if it covers everything or not).  So 
it's important to consider how these checks could be implemented without 
needing GCC-specific code directly in these hooks (for example, using the 
new hooks.update-hook mechanism added by one of the commits in that pull 
request, or getting extra features added to the upstream hooks in a 
generic form if necessary).

Joseph S. Myers

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