On Tue, May 12, 2020 at 2:44 PM 易会战 via Gcc <gcc@gcc.gnu.org> wrote:
> hi, I am working on gcc ssa name. For each function, we can traverse all 
> defined ssa name by macro FOR_EACH_SSA_NAME. If a ssa name is default 
> definition for a symbol (check SSA_NAME_IS_DEFAULT_DEF) , I can get the 
> symbol by SSA_NAME_VAR. But for a virtual DEFAULT DEF, I cannot get it, 
> SSA_NAME_VAR return a identifier named .MEM. I cannot find which variable 
> related to the default definition. Why and how I should find the related 
> variable?
> By the way , I give my current work,&nbsp; I wish find a MEM_REF refer to 
> global/heap memory or local stack. I try my best to get a correct memory 
> type. Since MEM_REF have a base address, which is often a ssa name. Athough 
> it is not virtual ssa name. But I find just check ssa name data flow is not 
> enough to get the info.
> For example, a malloc function allocate some heap memory and record the 
> address in a global ptr. On gimple ssa IR, the malloc function return a 
> address assigned to a ssa name , then ssa name assign the value to the global 
> ptr. When i check ssa name defined by the global ptr, I donot know if the ptr 
> point to global memory or local memory.
> Please see the gimple code:
> _2 = malloc()
> ptr = _2
> _3 = ptr
> I wish get _3&nbsp; is a address pointing to global memory. But just from 
> _3=ptr, cannot judge it.&nbsp;
> I wish memory SSA can help solve the problem.

memory SSA will not solve this problem.  You can instead query
points-to information
on _3 for example by calling ptr_deref_may_alias_global_p (_3) which internally
looks at SSA_NAME_PTR_INFO which contains the solution of the
points-to computation.


> Or gcc gives the info at other pass? wish get some advice. Thanks a lot.

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