
On 2020-05-06T10:44:46-0400, "Frank Ch. Eigler via Gcc" <gcc@gcc.gnu.org> wrote:
>> Can pipermail provide stable URLs at all?  We really
>> need those, we reference those in commit messages, other mails, bugzilla
>> etc.

> It would be good to have another way of making permanent URLs for
> individual messages in mailing list archives.

Look up by Message-ID?
<http://mid.mail-archive.com/20200506141139.GJ2375@tucnak>, for example.
See <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Message-ID>, etc.  The idea is that
for all practical purposes, Message-IDs are "sufficiently unique".
(Compare conceptually to the Git SHA-1 hashes.)

Such a service is not currently available on sourceware, but it'd be
possible to implement: as messages come in, you'd build a database
mapping from the Message-ID header to "current Mailman's Pipermail URL".

(That's one reason why when posting such links I used to use Gmane's
Message-ID lookup, now using The Mail Archive's.  The other reason is
that compared to Mailman's Pipermail these services don't artificially
break discussion threads at month boundaries.)

By the way, the public-inbox software
(<https://public-inbox.org/README.html>), as recently mentioned in a
different thread discussing deficiencies of Mailman's Pipermail, also
does support this:
(random example).  (I have not yet really looked into that software
myself, but from the little I read about it, it seems conceptually
simple, "easy", good.)

If there's sufficient interest (users) and commitment (overseers), we
could install this on sourceware, in addition to what we've currently

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