On 2/5/20 7:21 AM, Nicholas Krause wrote:
Greetings Martin,
I won't be applied but it was good to see you at least got some possible ideas
out of
my research from the make parts. Two questions as related to GSoC, in terms of
long term planning for my work:
1. *Implement something similar to Clang's/-ftime-trace/*is in my view the most
important project
for GCC multi-threading as having a real profiler in gcc proper is the biggest
Here I would definitely recommend perf which can identify bottleneck, as well
as locking issues
and so on.
shared state and having heuristics is a real thorn without it. Is the goal just
to support it as a
feature similar to Clang or is this intended to be a real profiler, as it seems
My intention was to do the same what clang does. The format is quite generic
and can be easily
extended to support more.
2.*Create a general jobserver client/server library *If its planning to be a
library then your
probably hooking it into the frontends for C/C++. Not sure who the maintainer
for that is
but is he aware of the possible changes? It may be good to either have him as
mentor or someone to ask about the frontend parts unless you or Martin Liska
that knowledge.
No, first consumer of that should be LTO WPA which runs parallel LTO LTRANS
during linking.
I'm not targeting any hooking into FEs.
P.S. Please CC me next time if you speak about me ;)
Regards and good luck with GSoC,