On Wed, 15 Jan 2020, Richard Earnshaw (lists) wrote:

> How about separate email list(s) for the vendor and personal spaces?  I do
> think changes there should be visible, but perhaps fewer folk will be
> interested in tracking them at the same level.

That's currently documented as a feature not supported by the hooks (the 
script to determine the lists to use only receives information about the 
files changed, not about the refs being updated).

I've now filed issues at https://github.com/AdaCore/git-hooks/issues for 
what I think are all the feature requests we have so far for making the 
hooks more configurable so particular features of use to GCC can be 
implemented without needing to patch the hooks themselves as at present.  
If you have a feature request of the form "the hooks should allow 
configuring X" it probably makes sense to file it there to help Joel track 
it.  However, policy questions about how we should configure the hooks for 
GCC (whether or not they depend on new hook features) would best be 
discussed here.

I'll add a check to the GCC hooks for commit messages whose first line is 
a single word, to prevent pushing commits whose summary is just 
"gcc/ChangeLog:" or similar.

Joseph S. Myers

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