The GCC SVN repository is now read-only for the move to git, as is the old git-svn mirror; the cron job updating that mirror has been disabled, as have gccadmin's cron jobs updating DATESTAMP, generating snapshots and updating online documentation, until those are updated to work from git.
Assuming validation passes, I expect to make the converted repository available in place of the git-svn mirror (git:// and git+ssh:// some time on Saturday. That will be initially read-only to allow for people to review it in case any significant conversion issues are noticed late that would justify rerunning the conversion. I propose to make it writable on Monday, at which point we'll be in development stage 4 for GCC 10 (and to leave gcc-reposurgeon-8.git around for a while in case people wish to use that, rather than the main repository, for any further testing, but to delete the older test conversions 1 through 7). Some cron jobs may be re-enabled before then, subject to testing (I have git changes to gcc_release ready, for example, for testing snapshot generation), but the DATESTAMP updates won't be enabled until the repository is writable. I encourage people to continue to work on improving the documentation for using git with GCC (<> and <> list some of the things that it seems it might be useful to document). Once the conversion is done we'll need to update various places referring to SVN on the website and in the manuals. The old git-svn mirror will remain available read-only as git:// (which is already available), in addition to the refs from that mirror being in the new repository as refs/git-old/heads/*, refs/git-old/tags/* and refs/git-svn-old/heads/* (thus, gitweb links to commits in that repository will continue to work, as long as those commits were reachable as of when git mirror went read-only rather than having been on an old version of a branch that was since deleted or rebased). Where people have active branches in that mirror, I hope they will rebase those branches onto the new version of the history, putting the results in refs/heads/devel/* or refs/users/*/heads/* according to whether they are considered generally shared development branches (can't have non-fast-forward pushes, should be documented on the GCC website) or user branches (can have non-fast-forward pushes, need not be documented). -- Joseph S. Myers