On 12/26/19 10:30 PM, Eric S. Raymond wrote:

Me, I don't undertstand why version-control systems designed for distributed
use don't ignore timezones entirely and display all times in UTC - relative
time is surely more imoortant than the commit time's relationship to solar
noon wherever the keyboard happened to be. But I don't make these decisions.

So we are going to base this world wide free software endeavor on a source code system that doesn't keep time by UTC ?

My God - imagine if weather forecasting was done this way.

Toon Moene - e-mail: t...@moene.org - phone: +31 346 214290
Saturnushof 14, 3738 XG  Maartensdijk, The Netherlands
At home: http://moene.org/~toon/; weather: http://moene.org/~hirlam/
Progress of GNU Fortran: http://gcc.gnu.org/wiki/GFortran#news

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