On the eve of me retiring my hacker handle, unidef, I decided to make a 
contribution to the famous (..and infamous) gnu c compiler suite, a package of 
compilers that have helped me and the unix community immensely since its 

Basically, qlib is a multidimensional multidirectional data algorithm library, 
there is an ai header which is meant to be compiled against ai.c (which is 
incredibly insufficient and not even in beginning stages of creation) and ran 
against the *description variable in the NEURAL MDMDBT, I suck at threading so 
I didn’t implement a threading or io mechanism, but to compensate I implemented 
a global refresh variable which is made to check against the master function 
for synchronization, I think attached is a basic hack of the theory of 
relativity (E = MC^q = E) which is a basic test of the NEURAL network I tried 
to create. Doesn’t really register useful numbers, just takes time, money, and 
a test of fate to work correctly

What I want from the gcc community

I want superb threading done in gcc and a memory system to preserve data 
integrity and conserve memory, everything should be synchronized to a single 
number, for distributive purposes (think cloud but easier) and to make things 
cool and simple.. one of my dreams is linking all neural networks together to a 
single refresh rate (refresh.internet.org <http://refresh.internet.org/>?) that 
everyone can check the sync rate of. My friend said you can possibly set your 
watch to it if you set it up with enough nodes

The memory could be done with this function (maybe function macro for overloads)

void *dma(void *mem, void (*pfunc)(void) /* I think this works*/)
        mem = malloc(sizeof(LOCAL_MEMORY_ALLOC));
        pfunc(); // somehow allow multiple arguments in a pointer function, 
haven’t researched pfuncs in a while

        // structs would be nice, but I dont want to malform the gcc codebase

And loop it or something, maybe ask a tree or I dont know

Id develop it independently but the gcc codebase is so huge, I get lost in the 
source code because im used to reading all source code of the program then 
adding modifications

Source code is not hosted at GitHub, and qlib has been discontinued because of 
personal and private problems, but it is gnu licensed

Code available at https://unidef.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/qlib.zip 
<https://unidef.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/qlib.zip>, please dont hack me, 
the only thing I’ve hacked was the aol client software when I was a kid.. 
anyone remember jonisdisco? That’s me..

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