On 11/18/19 3:44 PM, Nicholas Krause wrote:
Greetings Richard,
Seems some of these things can either be closed or discussed here:
Add support to a multithread environment to Garbage Collector:
This may not matter as memory is in bulk at the beginning of passes.
I've benchmarked
it and its less than 5% on the GCC test farm machines with make -j64.
Parallelize RTL part. This will improve our current results, as
indicated in Results chapter:
struct function or function.c if I recall is using the most as one
file at around 20-30% for
sure in building gcc with make -j64.
Make this GCC compile itself:
It does now and I just tested it but I assuming he means with threads
on and I'm not sure how
to enable them in the core Makefile for gcc or if just exporting
CC/CXX is earlier with it
turned on.
I've also looked into the Linux Kernel work queues as those can scale
much better than just
launching in async as we are doing currently. On the testingside
seems the Yocto Project is
working on testing upstream heads of projects like gcc. I've asked
them to bring it up at the
usual IOT/Embedded Linux Conference meeting. This will also us to have
access to not only
the gcc testsuite but access to build lots of real world software
packages in a pretty automated
way as that was one concern that Giuliano brought up at the Cauldron
this year.
Also if someone opens a more detailed ToDo with Bugs or something I
would be able to help out more
or just CC on the issues or work that is ongoing as frankly seems I'm
not been keeping good track,
Sorry Richard but seems but email client was formatting it incorrectly,
Seems some of these things can either be closed or discussed here:
Add support to a multithread environment to Garbage Collector:This may
not matter as memory is in bulk at the beginning of passes.
I've benchmarkedit and its less than 5% on the GCC test farm machines
with make -j64.Parallelize RTL part. This will improve our
current results, as indicated in Results chapter:struct function or
function.c if I recall is using the most as one file at around 20-30%
forsure in building gcc with make -j64.
Make this GCC compile itself:
It does now and I just tested it but I assuming he means with threads on
and I'm not sure how to enable them in the core Makefile
for gcc or if just exporting CC/CXX is earlier with it turned on.I've
also looked into the Linux Kernel work queues as those can scale
much better than just launching in async as we are doing currently. On
the testing side seems the Yocto Project is working on testing
upstream heads of projects like gcc.
I've asked them to bring it up at the usual IOT/Embedded Linux
Conference meeting. This will also us to have access to not only the
gcc testsuite but access to build lots of real world software packages
in a pretty automated
way as that was one concern that Giuliano brought up at the Cauldron
this year.
Also if someone opens a more detailed ToDo with Bugs or something I
would be able to help out more
or just CC on the issues or work that is ongoing as frankly seems I'm
not been keeping good track,