On Sat, 2 Nov 2019, Eric S. Raymond wrote:

> Joseph Myers <jos...@codesourcery.com>:
> > And here are corresponding lists of tags where the commit cvs2svn 
> > generated for the tag should be reparented.
> Make that issue 2, please.


> Also, open an issue 3 about how you want those
> mid-branch deletes handled.  I agree that the right thing is just to nuke
> them, but I have a lot of plates in the air right now...

Which mid-branch deletes?  For the ones by accident (e.g. the deletions of 
trunk), where the branch was recreated by copying from the pre-deletion 
version of the same branch, nuking the deletes is clearly right.  For the 
ones where a branch was deleted then recreated as a copy not from the 
deleted version - essentially, rebasing done in SVN - maybe we need 
community discussion of the right approach.  (There are two plausible 
approaches there - either just discard all the deleted versions that 
aren't part of the SVN history of the most recent creation of the branch, 
which makes the list of commits in the branch's history in git look 
similar to what it looks like in SVN, or treat deletion + recreation in 
that case as some kind of merge.)

> Also please open reposurgeon issues about the svnmerge properties

As I understand it, support for that has now been implemented.

> and the missing documentation.

https://gitlab.com/esr/reposurgeon/issues/151 filed - it's a lot more than 
just reparent for which documentation appears to have disappeared.

Joseph S. Myers

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