>>>>> "Jason" == Jason Merrill <ja...@redhat.com> writes:

Jason> Note that std::move is from C++11.

>> I'm not too worried about requiring even a C++14 compiler, for the
>> set of products we still release latest compilers we have newer
>> GCCs available we can use for building them (even if those are
>> not our primary supported compilers which would limit us to
>> GCC 4.8).

Jason> I wouldn't object to C++14, but there's nothing in there I
Jason> particularly want to use, so it seems unnecessary.

>> Note I'd still not like to see more C++ feature creep into general
>> non-container/infrastructure code, C++ is complex enough as-is.

Jason> I agree for rvalue references.  I want to start using C++11 'auto' in
Jason> local variable declarations.

FWIW in gdb we went with C++11, because it was the version that offered
the most useful upgrades -- for me those was mainly move and foreach,
but 'auto' is sometimes nice as well.


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