I've done a git conversion of the GCC wwwdocs repository (from CVS, using
cvs-fast-export), plus written a git post-receive hook intended to
correspond to what the CVS hook does. (For the CVS hook, see loginfo in
the CVSROOT, plus the scripts such as htdocs-checkout referenced from
To access the test conversion (given SSH access to gcc.gnu.org), do:
git clone git+ssh://gcc.gnu.org/home/gccadmin/wwwdocs-test.git
(This only needs the usual restricted SSH access used to commit to GCC,
not shell access.)
Note that the test repository does *not* have the post-receive hook
enabled; pushing commits to it won't do anything useful; it's simply there
to make it convenient to review the converted history. In practice, I
expect the post-receive hook may need bugs ironed out once in use in
production, because it's hard to test when not hooked up to the real
I've attached the conversion scripts and proposed post-receive hook.
do-download checks out cvs-fast-export and ESR's gcc-conversion repository
(for the author map) and rsyncs the wwwdocs CVS repository. do-convert
builds cvs-fast-export and does the conversion (with a few extra authors
in the author map, where e.g. new since the last update to the author map
or only ever committed to wwwdocs not GCC sources; the names for htdigid
and www are somewhat arbitrary, www commits would actually have been some
human or humans committing as that user by accident); once cvs-fast-export
has been built, this takes about 15 seconds. All non-master tags and
branches are removed, since they are clearly just accidents from tags /
branches having been applied to the whole CVS repository rather than just
to the GCC sources proper.
post-receive is the proposed hook. It calls post-receive-email to send
email (could no doubt be adjusted to use AdaCore hooks or any other
email-sending system), then follows logic intended to replicate the old
hooks to update a checkout of wwwdocs and call the preprocess script on
new or modified files.
I'd expect the post-receive script to go in wwwdocs/bin (with the hook
directory having a symlink to there). There would of course be website
changes needed to update the references to CVS, and the preprocess script
would change to ignore .git when doing global preprocessing on the site.
I don't know whether either the system for updating www.gnu.org's copy of
the site, or Gerald's HTML validation system, would need updating for a
move of wwwdocs to git.
Any comments on the conversion or hook?
Joseph S. Myers
set -e
TOP=$(cd $(dirname "$0") && pwd)
mkdir "$DOWNLOAD"
git clone https://gitlab.com/esr/cvs-fast-export.git
git clone https://gitlab.com/esr/gcc-conversion.git
rsync -a gcc.gnu.org::gcc-cvs/wwwdocs .
set -e
TOP=$(cd $(dirname "$0") && pwd)
mkdir $REPO
cd $REPO
git init --bare --shared
cd "$DOWNLOAD/cvs-fast-export"
make -j cvs-fast-export
grep -a = $DOWNLOAD/gcc-conversion/gcc.map | sed -e 's/>.*/>/' > $TOP/gcc.map
# dje specially handled for GCC conversion because of ambiguity with
# gcc2 repository. dimitar, shorne postdate GCC conversion map; not
# needed once that is updated. Others not needed in GCC conversion
# map, as only committed to wwwdocs not to main sources repository.
cat >> $TOP/gcc.map <<EOF
dje = David Edelsohn <dje....@gmail.com>
dimitar = Dimitar Dimitrov <dimi...@dinux.eu>
shorne = Stafford Horne <sho...@gmail.com>
angela = Angela Marie Thomas <ang...@releasedominatrix.com>
brads = Bradley Schatz <br...@gcc.gnu.org>
gumby = David Henkel-Wallace <gu...@gcc.gnu.org>
kingdon = Jim Kingdon <king...@gcc.gnu.org>
htdigid = htdigid automatic commit <htdi...@gcc.gnu.org>
www = www user <w...@gcc.gnu.org>
cd "$DOWNLOAD/wwwdocs"
find . -name '*,v' | sort | ../cvs-fast-export/cvs-fast-export -A $TOP/gcc.map
| (cd "$REPO" && git fast-import)
cd "$REPO"
# CVS branches and tags are accidents from whole-CVS-repository
# branching / tagging, remove.
for ref in $(git for-each-ref --format='%(refname)'); do
if [ "$ref" != "refs/heads/master" ]; then
git update-ref -d "$ref"
git gc --aggressive --prune=all
# The post-receive hook receives, on standard input, a series of lines
# of the form:
# <old-value> SP <new-value> SP <ref-name> LF
# describing ref updates that have just occurred. In the case of this
# repository, only updates to refs/heads/master are expected, and only
# such updates should result in automatic website updates.
exec >> "$TOP_DIR/updatelog" 2>&1
export QMAILHOST=gcc.gnu.org
cat > "$tmp"
# Send commit emails. Appropriate config values should be set in the
# git repository for this.
/sourceware/libre/infra/bin/post-receive-email < "$tmp"
# Update web page checkouts, if applicable.
while read old_value new_value ref_name; do
if [ "$ref_name" != "refs/heads/master" ]; then
unset GIT_DIR
cd "$TOP_DIR/wwwdocs-checkout"
git pull --quiet
# $TOP_DIR/bin, $TOP_DIR/cgi-bin and $TOP_DIR/htdocs-preformatted
# should be symlinks into wwwdocs-checkout.
git diff --name-only "$old_value..$new_value" | while read file; do
case "$file" in
if ! [ -d "$TOP_DIR/$dir" ]; then
mkdir "$TOP_DIR/$dir"
chmod 2775 "$TOP_DIR/$dir"
if [ -f "$file" ]; then
/www/gcc/bin/preprocess "${file#htdocs/}"
done < "$tmp"