On 5/22/19 5:19 AM, Richard Earnshaw (lists) wrote:
> On 21/05/2019 21:18, Bill Schmidt wrote:
>> On 5/21/19 11:47 AM, Martin Sebor wrote:
>>> The GCC coding style says to use "floating-point" as an adjective
>>> rather than "floating point."  After enhancing the -Wformat-diag
>>> checker to detect this I found a bunch of uses of the latter, such
>>> as in:
>>>   gcc/c/c-decl.c:10944
>>>   gcc/c/c-parser.c:9423, 9446, 9450, etc.
>>>   gcc/convert.c:418, 422
>>>   gcc/cp/call.c:5070
>>>   gcc/cp/cvt.c:886
>>> Before I fix them all and adjust the tests, I want to make sure
>>> we really want to follow this rule.  The C standard uses both
>>> interchangeably.  With just one exception, the C++ standard uses
>>> the hyphenated form.
>> The hyphenated form is correct English, so I certainly prefer it. :-)
> It's not quite as simple as that.  Hyphens should be used to make it
> clear what is the adjective and what is the noun:
>    A floating-point number (hyphenated) is a number with a
>    floating point (no hyphen).
> In the first case 'floating-point' is the adjective and qualifies
> number.  In the second case 'floating' is the adjective and qualifies
> 'point'.
> But this is English, so there are probably some exceptions even then -
> but not in this case, I think.  :-)

English is always fun, agreed -- Martin cited the requirement to use
"floating-point" when it's used as an adjective, which is certainly correct.

There's a more interesting question around cavalier usage such as,
"We should use floating point."  I would argue that there is an implied
noun "arithmetic" modified here, so this should also be hyphenated,
but I daresay there would be people on both sides of this one...

This is why grammar police usually die from friendly fire. :-)

> R.

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