On Wed, May 15, 2019 at 2:13 PM Martin Liška <mli...@suse.cz> wrote:
> On 5/15/19 9:49 AM, Shubham Narlawar wrote: > > Hello Martin and community, > > Hi Shubham. > > Thank you for starting working on the project. There are some > recommendations > before we fully being: > > 1) I've recently received 5 emails that have very similar subject and it's > unclear why that happened? When you e.g. forget to add something into > an email, it's easier to reply to your email and just mention what > was forgotten. > I tried to send you Aligned patch and one csmith program but it bounces back. I don't know why it happened. Sorry for sending mail 5 times. Sure, I will reply to single thread. > 2) Please reply to this email thread and for each new functionality, please > adjust email subject so that it's easier to orient. > > 3) I would recommend to make a separate branch for each functionality and > send a branch name here. I can easily pull and don't have to apply a > patch. > Sure. > > 4) Can we directly use pull requests into > https://github.com/csmith-project/csmith ? > I can comment the changes there if you want. > I have created a fork github.com/shubhamnarlawar77/csmith/tree/csmith-gcc I will make branch of csmith-gcc and send patches to it so that you can pull and review. After review, I will push patch into csmith-gcc fork. Does this work for you? > 5) I'm quite new to csmith, so be patient with me ;) > > 6) Are you familiar with coding style of CSmith? I can't verify changes in > that area. > Yes. I am quite familiar with it. > > Thanks for working on that. > Martin >