Hi Thilakar, On Fri, Mar 22 2019, GSOC19TR I wrote: > Dear Sir, > I like to work on the project *Adding new math.h and complex.h functions as > built-ins**.
we are already in fairly advanced stage of putting together a proposal for the same project with Tejas Joshi. You can of course try to submit a better one but it will be difficult. Or you just have about time to switch and attempt a different project idea. > *With an year's experience in the field, I believe that I am > the type of person you are seeking. I am interested in working on real time > projects and contribute to the opensource community. You do understand GCC has litle to do with real-time, right? > I am conscientious in my personal and professional life. I take pride in > myself and my work, and derive considerable satisfaction from doing an > assignment well. I cope well with high-stress situations and can manage a > variety of projects simultaneously. > It would be helpful if I get to know some tips on applying successful > project proposal. I wanted to give my best in the project. I would also > like to know some suggestions on preparations that I would do before > committing > into the project like prescribed textbook or some important list of topics > to be revised. We are delighted you found contributing to GCC interesting. On the other hand, I am worried that you need to already have at least some rudimentary theoretical background in the area of compilers in order to apply, asking for a textbook now is definitely too late. The best textbook that I can think of right now is "Building an Optimizing Compiler" by Bob Morgan. If you read and understand it, you will be very well equipped for a GSoC with us... next year. Nevertheless, you can definitely try yourself and see how difficult it will be. Please look again at the "Before you apply" section of the idea page https://gcc.gnu.org/wiki/SummerOfCode#Before_you_apply and make sure you are able to build, install and test GCC and then have it generate dumps and step through some function during compilation. Afterwards, if you still find contributing to GCC interesting, look at a suggested idea, try to identify the portion of GCC source which is involved and email us back to the mailing list, describing which idea you liked best and what your thoughts about it are. If you insist on optimizing new math.h functions, dig into the source and find where the existing ones are processed, step through them in gdb. But again, I'd recommend reconsidering applying for a GCC project and if so, look at other ideas. In any event, good luck, Martin