I am Ahmed Ashraf, a first-year student at the Computer Engineering
Department, Faculty of Engineering - Cairo University in Egypt.

In the first semester, I was asked to create a CAD as the Circuits course
project. The requirements were to simulate simple AC circuits that contain
only (independent voltage sources, independent current sources, dependent
voltage source, dependent current source, resistors, capacitors, and

The main problem which faced me was the math behind the code. I needed to
solve a system of equations in more than 3 variables and the equations
contain complex numbers and the results also were complex but the "math.h"
and "complex.h" were very poor and useless to my project.

So, it's a great chance for me to participate in a project will improve
that libraries to help other people who need it to have a better experiment
in using them.

I am very excited about participating with you in the project "  Add new
math.h and complex.h functions as built-ins". I studied 2 courses in
programming the first was about the basics of C++ and the second was about
Object-Oriented Programming using C++. Currently, I'm studying the third
course about "Data Structures and Algorithms" also using C++ but recently I
started to learn Python from an MIT course and "Data Structures and
Algorithms" specialization in Coursera. Participating in that will be a
very good step in my career closer to my goal.

I also studied some courses in mathematics such that three courses in
Calculus, in different areas like "Differential Calculus", "Integral
Calculus", "Differential Equations" and " Partial Derivatives and Laplace".
Currently, I am studying a course on "Discrete Mathematics" and " Discrete
Mathematics" specialization in Coursera.

I am also training on problem-solving skills constantly from online judges
such that Codeforces.

So, is this enough to have a chance in your project? and how I can improve
my self to be qualified to participate with you before the application

GitHub Account <https://github.com/aashrafh>

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