The release of GNU MPFR 4.0.2 ("dinde aux marrons", patch level 2) is imminent. Please help to make this release as good as possible by downloading and testing this release candidate: The SHA1 digests: c0b15940b703d55a05acdc61781962eb3d0bf857 mpfr-4.0.2-rc1.tar.bz2 fd4bc91650ad6cf549c9a036f036d62b26b47ac2 mpfr-4.0.2-rc1.tar.gz 535d06909eff58c8541250a222bd97a96aa5422c mpfr-4.0.2-rc1.tar.xz 3295000419ca52ebbbd17fdb889bbe7d3e7242bf The SHA256 digests: 60626832f47a51fe24dc366cadbf2157a085b62ac634526f0d03e5c987de59ae mpfr-4.0.2-rc1.tar.bz2 58b561c76b30e9ef14961345d16e532bea89e08e3590b5394cd396b1c17a8ce7 mpfr-4.0.2-rc1.tar.gz 4fc4cee96878d2c947d488e8fc11b59877eb8d108c000634f39e6f3520ea04ea mpfr-4.0.2-rc1.tar.xz a3e4ec355db75c88a132e19d1bd3c3bcb72db23a0a21272a64fb8ac0da4e484f The signatures: Each tarball is signed by Vincent Lefèvre. This can be verified using the DSA key ID 980C197698C3739D; this key can be retrieved with: gpg --recv-keys 980C197698C3739D or by downloading it from <>. The key fingerprint is: 07F3 DBBE CC1A 3960 5078 094D 980C 1976 98C3 739D The signatures can be verified with: gpg --verify <file.asc> You should check that the key fingerprint matches. Changes from version 4.0.1 to version 4.0.2: - Corrected minimal GMP version in the INSTALL file and the MPFR manual. - Improved MPFR manual. In particular, corrected/completed the mpfr_get_str description in order to follow the historical behavior and GMP's mpf_get_str function. - Bug fixes (see ChangeLog file). Please send success and failure reports with "./config.guess" output to <>. If no problems are found, GNU MPFR 4.0.2 should be released around 2019-01-23. Regards, -- Vincent Lefèvre <> - Web: <> 100% accessible validated (X)HTML - Blog: <> Work: CR INRIA - computer arithmetic / AriC project (LIP, ENS-Lyon)