On Wed, 2018-12-05 at 22:48 +0530, Durgesh Kumar wrote:
> Dear sir/mam
> I am durgesh kumar from ABES engineering collenge,ghaziabad,uttar
> pradesh,india.
> I am currently in 2nd year of my graduation(Btech CSE )
> I want to contribute in some of your prestigious project. So i
> request you
> to please provide me some of your top priority project and a begineer
> guide.
> I hope you will concern my request.

I'd recommend starting with something small, in an area that interests
you.  We're currently in feature freeze for gcc 9, so bugfixing is our
main focus right now.

FWIW, here's an unofficial beginner's guide I wrote to document my own
experiences learning GCC:

You might want to also look at this:

Hope this is helpful

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