Will take care of it this evening then. If I get stuck or need some help
I'll try the IRC channel or reply to this mail again :).
On 11/5/18 8:40 AM, Jakub Jelinek wrote:
On Mon, Nov 05, 2018 at 08:36:44AM +0100, Tim van Deurzen wrote:
I've received a lot of good advice from Nathan, but haven't had an
opportunity to apply it yet. I'm happy, however, to show / commit what I
have so far (which covers the parsing of the operator). I've been working
from the git repository until now, but from the mailing list I gather that
this is not the main development RCS yet. How and/or where would you prefer
my changes to be sent to? Just as a patch to the mailing list or rather as a
new branch in the SVN repo? If the latter is the case I would need a bit of
assistance as it's been years since I've worked with SVN.
When exactly is the feature deadline?
The deadline is end of November 11th, timezone of your choice.
Patches should be just posted to gcc-patches at gcc dot gnu dot org mailing
list. If you could do it today or tomorrow, it would be really appreciated.