-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 Hi all,
GNU Tools Cauldron starts in just over one week. Here is some information for attendees. If you haven't done so, it's still not too late to sign up: https://gcc.gnu.org/wiki/cauldron2018 We currently have 128 people signed up, with a full twin track program offering 16 full talks, 13 BoF sessions, 2 tutorials, 4 lighting talks and the GCC committee Q&A session. We still have room for 2 more lightning talks. If you can't make it, all the talks will be recorded. On the Thursday afternoon attendees have an opportunity to attend a demonstration of one of the earliest computers, the Small Scale Experimental Machine (SSEM) at the Museum of Science and Industry. We have four slots available: 15:00-15:30 Surnames beginning A-I 15:30-16:00 Surnames beginning J-O 16:00-16:30 Surnames beginning P-Z 16:30-17:00 Anyone whose flight arrives late! Just through the main entrance of MOSI (it's free). There will be helpers from the Cauldron to point you towards the SSEM. Feel free to look around other exhibits while you are there. I look forward to seeing you in Manchester. Best wishes, Jeremy - -- Tel: +44 (1590) 610184 Cell: +44 (7970) 676050 SkypeID: jeremybennett Twitter: @jeremypbennett Email: jeremy.benn...@embecosm.com Web: www.embecosm.com PGP key: 1024D/BEF58172FB4754E1 2009-03-20 -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- iEYEARECAAYFAluH6EEACgkQvvWBcvtHVOFehwCfUR68Yxs/kLdnU1Vu9FUtJG8e h9EAoI45kpxQsB5DfPPCxc0IhaoSUF/O =yMCP -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----