On 8/27/18 1:20 PM, sameeran joshi wrote:
> On 8/27/18, Peter Bergner <berg...@linux.ibm.com> wrote:
>> On 8/27/18 12:13 PM, sameeran joshi wrote:
>>> On 8/27/18, Peter Bergner <berg...@linux.ibm.com> wrote:
>>>> Well what does:
>>>>   linux% gcc -I/home/swamimauli/upload/csmith/runtime/ -Wall bug.c
>>> running above command on terminal,gives many warnings and asks for the
>>> -fgnu-tm option.
> this shows me ICE if I include -fgnu-tm flag.

Then you need to add -fgnu-tm to your compile options in your
creduce script.  Otherwise, how can creduce reduce your test
case down to a minimal, but still ICEing test case, if you
don't tell it how to make it ICE?


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